
Posts Tagged ‘earthquake’

Morning Exercise Is Best…For Me

First off, I’d like to say that I’m thinking of all the people in Japan after the massive earthquake that’s occurred. The aftershocks are massive as well. The tsunami victims are also in my thoughts.I’ve been watching the news all day today and the video is frightening.


I’ve tried exercising at other times during the day, but it seems like morning works best for me. Lately, I’ve been putting off exercising, particularly my elliptical, until later in the day. I don’t like tying up the bathroom when other people are getting ready for work or going other places. This morning I got my workout completely finished by about 8:45 AM. Loved it. So, from now on, I’m not going to worry about tying up the bathroom. I don’t take that long anyway.

I’ve said before that I tend to have an “all or noting” type of attitude when it comes to exercise. I’ll be working on that starting now. I plan to alternate long elliptical workouts with shorter ones. Today I did 35 minutes. Tomorrow I plan on doing 35 minutes. Then Sunday I’ll aim for 50. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I’ll do 35 (since I do my strength training on those days), and on Tuesday and Thursday I’ll do 50. I’ll take a day off here and there to rest, but that’s the general idea. And get it done early!

I’ve got two photos from the virtual walk site to share.

Mile 241



Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

Mile 242



Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

And that’s that. I did find the book I was talking about the other day, and I’ll write about that sometime this weekend.