
Archive for December, 2010

Mileage Progress

December 22, 2010 Leave a comment

I’ve been slacking with the posts again, I know. My walk across the country is still going. I’ve had no more blister issues (so far) since I switched socks. I’m up to doing a full mile again with no problems. I haven’t been doing my elliptical every day, but I am doing it. I’ve had several unintentional days off due to people coming over, or my husband has the day off (due to rain), but I am still moving. Monday was one of those days off. Southern CA is getting hit by a storm coming up from the south. When storms move in from the south, that’s when we get a LOT of rain. Streets flood, people forget how to drive, it’s nuts.

Monday was the first day of the rain, so it wasn’t too bad yet. People were still somewhat sane on the roads. We ended up going to see the movie Tron: Legacy. I actually sort of snoozed off and on during the movie. Oops. It was OK, but rather blah. Not boring really, just not very exciting in my opinion. And definitely NOT worth the 3D priced movie tickets. Most of the movie was in 2D. If I had known that ahead of time, I would have pushed to see the normal 2D version. Paying 3D prices to see only half of the movie IN 3D is a rip off.

Tuesday I did get on the elliptical and did my mile. After I was done, the last of my calluses came off. I had one left on my big toe, and it popped off. I‘m taking today off, because I’m feeling kind of blah. I have some thoughts on that, which I’ll write about tomorrow. But today’s post is to get you all caught up on my virtual walk pictures.

I’m up to 207.8 miles and have reached the town of Whitehall, VA. I’ve not got 13.19 miles until I hit the town of Rockfish Gap, VA. There’s some pretty strange names in the state of VA. Here are the pictures from miles 203.6 to 207.8.




Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab




Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab




Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab




Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab




Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab




Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

I’ll try not to be such a slacker with posting these pictures from now on. I may skip a day here and there, then post two pictures, but I’ll try not to skip THIS many. I plan on getting into my workouts steadily again starting tomorrow. This rain has thrown everything out of whack. I love the rain, but it causes unintentional days off because my husband can’t really work on rainy days. It’s “supposed” to be sunny again tomorrow.

Long Time No Post…Again

December 7, 2010 Leave a comment

Well, I was right when I saw myself having to deal with blisters. I first had a regular blister (after I did a mile on November 24), which popped on it’s own. And then I ended up with a blood blister (a few days later), which I had to pop and drain. I’m thinking the socks that I wear are too thin. Strange since I’ve worn them before and have had no problems. This was before the calluses got soft and came off. Anyway, yesterday I wore a pair of new (old, just not really ever worn) socks, and they seem to be OK. I also had a band-aid over the blister area. All was well. I managed .7 mile and spent 25 minutes on the elliptical yesterday.

I haven’t uploaded any of the pictures from the virtual walk site for a while. I got lazy and kept telling myself “I’ll post it later”. Well, you know what “later” means? You won’t do it. When you say “later”, things just end up piling up and then your list of things you’ll do “later” gets longer and longer, and you procrastinate even more. Then you get overwhelmed, and nothing gets accomplished. Time to buckle down and get it done. I get dangerously close to doing this with writing assignments also. I’ve got 8 articles to write by the end of the week. One I can technically extend by sending it back into the queue and claiming it again (giving me 7 more days). Five I can ask the client for more time (he’s the best client ever and is very flexible), and two I have to do by a certain date or my “rating” goes down. So after I post this, I need to get busy. Time to break out the egg timer and set a specific time to write. Once the timer goes off, I’ll give myself a five or ten minute break and then get back to it.

Here are the last several pictures from the virtual walk site.

Mile 201



Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

Mile 202



Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

Mile 202.6 (I went .7, but it registered as .6)



Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

Looks like it’s nice and sunny on the tour. Don’t know if I’ll do any exercise or not today. We’ll see how much I get done the rest of the morning.

I’ve gone a total of 202.6 miles. I’m 3.24 miles from Whitehall, VA Charlottesville City County.

Hope you all have a great week. Don’t procrastinate! Get it done. But remember to take breaks so you don’t burn out.