
Archive for June, 2013

Mileage Monday

Another Monday is here. The first Monday of summer. Seems like a good portion of the country is having spring-like temperatures or cooler. Here in the Coachella Valley, we’re cooler than normal also. Monday it’s only supposed to be 99 degrees! Really? I don’t remember a June, late June at that, with such a low temperature for a high. We’ll be paying for it by Friday though, with a high of 113. Ugh.

Since I write up these Mileage Monday posts on Sunday, I have only five pictures instead of six. I plan on doing my 5K With A Twist today (Monday), but will save that picture until later. Here are the pictures from the virtual walk site for the last week.

Mile 583.4 (watp for 3.1 miles)                                   Mile 584.4 (elliptical for 1 mile)

583.4 Leslie for 3.1                      584.4 Elliptical for 1

Mile 587.6 (watp for 3.1 mile)                                     Mile 588.6 (elliptical for 1 mile)

587.6 Leslie for 3.1                      588.6 Elliptical for 1

Mile 589 (elliptical for .5 mile)

589 Elliptical for .5


(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving! Have a great week!

Did I? Didn’t I?


Well, I bet you’re all dying to know if I met my goal of doing 1/2 mile straight on my elliptical on Friday, the first day of summer. Well, no, I did not do that on Friday. My workout got postponed Friday. Half on my workout that is. I got my strength training done and then found out my sister in-law and the kids were coming down “early”, so I put it off until today.

Did I do it? Yes I did! I really didn’t think it was going to get done today, because I got on the elliptical and during the first 100 revolutions, my right hip (not really the hip, but the upper outer leg) was tired. But I pushed on, and it worked itself out. Felt good, and around the 650 revolution mark, I began to feel my legs start to tire. I thought to myself, “it’s only 150 more revolutions, you can push through it”, and that’s what I did. Legs were tired, then they were fine, then they were tired, then they were fine. Back and forth for a while, and then I was done.

It’s been about an hour since I finished, and I feel OK now. My legs were tired when I got off, but they seem to be just fine now. I only did a half mile, I didn’t continue to do a full mile like I thought I would. I decided to be smart and stop.

I don’t know how often I’ll do a half mile straight, but it will happen again. I know it’s possible now. You sometimes need a lot of determination to get something done, but you can do what you want, if it is something you really want to do.

Keep pushing, and keep moving!

Mileage Monday

Back in the workout groove after a 10-day vacation. I‘m in the process of writing a vacation recap. It is coming, probably by the end of the week. I did gain about three pounds while I was away, but those pounds are back off since I’ve been working out again. So I’m back in maintenance (I hate spelling that word) mode. It would be nice to lose another 5 pounds, but I’m not worrying about it. As long as my clothes fit, I’m fine. After all, I am smack dab in the middle of the weight range for my height. I also know I’m a good weight since both security people at the airports (Palm Springs going and Atlanta coming back) commented on on my being skinny.

More mileage pictures are heading your way. I am now up to date with the pictures. The last picture in this post is from today’s Leslie Sansone workout. I am still loving her 5K With A Twist dvd. Tomorrow is a mile on the elliptical. I need to start working on my endurance again. I most likely will not make my goal of doing a half mile straight by the first day of summer. The first day of summer is June 21 (a week from this Friday). It might be possible, if I really push myself. Let’s see if I can do it! I did do 500 revolutions without stopping on Saturday. Half a mile is 800 revolutions on my elliptical. So it could be possible. Ok. That’s a goal. If I don’t do it, I won’t beat myself up over it. Half a mile straight next Friday, let’s go!

For now, here are the pictures from the virtual walk site. I’ve now passed through the city of Ashcamp, KY, and have about .7 miles until I reach Lookout, KY in Pike county.

Mile 571.2 (watp for 3.1 miles)                                    Mile 572.2 (elliptical for 1 mile)

571.2 Leslie for 3.1                       572.2 Elliptical for 1

Mile 573.2 (elliptical for 1 mile)                                     Mile 576.2 (watp for 3.1 miles)

573.2 Elliptical for 1                       576.2 Leslie for 3.1

Mile 577.2 (elliptical for 1 mile)                                     Mile 580.4 (watp for 3.1 miles)

577.2 Elliptical for 1                        580.4 Leslie for 3.1


(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving! It feels really good after you’re done, trust me!

National Cancer Survivors Day: Guest Post By Melanie Bowen

June 2, 2013 1 comment


I’m back from vacation, and I’ll be writing a recap of my trip in the next several days. While I was away, I received an email asking if I allow guest posts on my blog. I have never done anything like that, but I welcome the opportunity to share other people’s writing. Melanie Bowen has written an excellent article about the benefits of exercise after being diagnosed with cancer. She also informed me that today, June 2, is National Cancer Survivors Day (going strong for 26 years).

Here is Melanie’s article. Enjoy!

Exercise and Your Life Beyond Cancer

Ask anyone who has battled cancer, and they will say it is a life-changing experience. If you are currently fighting the disease, you know they are right. Because of the advances in medical research and technology, you know something else about cancer: there is life beyond it.

If you are recovering from the effects of surgery or cancer therapy, a cancer fitness program can help the recovery process. Though it may seem counterintuitive, exercise can relieve your cancer-related fatigue, boost your energy and help you recover your strength. It can also help you regain control of your life after going through the cancer trauma.

Most fitness experts recommend getting 150 minutes of exercise each week. Most people can accomplish this in five 30-minute sessions, but you can break it down into shorter segments if needed. Some exercises are better than others, depending on your type and stage of cancer.

If you would like to integrate exercise into your cancer treatment plan, talk to your doctor about it. He or she can recommend certain exercises for your particular needs. It is important to exercise at a level that is appropriate for your recovery stage. To give you an idea of what may or may not be appropriate, here are a few examples.

Light Exercises

Breathing exercises are a great example of a light exercise. Light exercises are meant for patients who are receiving aggressive treatments or who are battling serious cancer. They are simple exercises for people who need to take it slow and easy. If you have mesothelioma or any lung-related cancers, you know how hard it is to breathe, especially while you are active. Traditional exercises are too hard to perform right now. Breathing exercises, however, can be helpful to your recovery.

By learning how to elongate your breathing and slow it down, you become aware of each inhale and exhale of breath. This can help you take in more oxygen and improve your respiratory function. As your health improves, you can slowly add physical activity to your regimen.

Moderate Exercises

Moderate exercises are appropriate for those who are recovering from cancer treatment. They are intense enough to cause you to break out in a light sweat after a few minutes of exercise. However, they will not take away your breath and you can still carry on a conversation with an exercise partner.

Yoga is a good example of a moderate exercise for cancer fitness. Contrary to common belief, yoga is not a religious practice but a philosophy. The mind-body aspects make it particularly beneficial for cancer patients. Yoga is a great stress reliever, and many cancer treatment centers offer classes for patients in recovery. An MD Anderson Cancer Center study showed benefits beyond improving fatigue. If you want to feel better, sleep better and improve your recovery, consider implementing yoga into your fitness routine.

Advanced Exercises

Advanced exercises are meant for cancer patients who are in advanced stages of recovery. If this describes you, your strength and physical conditioning can improve with vigorous activity. Expect to breath deeply and work up a sweat.

High-intensity aerobics are ideal for this level of cancer fitness, but consult with your physician before you take an aerobics class. This type of exercise requires constant movement and a lot of energy. Aerobics can improve fatigue after cancer treatment. If radiation or chemotherapy has sapped your energy, aerobic activity can help you regain your vigor and strength. Too much rest can lead to more tiredness and less function.

Exercise is not a cure-all for cancer, and it cannot treat the disease. However, it is safe for almost all cancer patients and it can help your recovery in many ways. Talk to your doctor first to have a better gauge as to what exercises are most appropriate for your fight again and life beyond cancer.