
Archive for November, 2012

Mileage Monday Update

November 26, 2012 1 comment

I feel like I can do a lot more now that my back is fixed. I feel a lot straighter on the elliptical, and I don’t ache at all on it any more. My legs still need breaks, but my back is now not an issue.

I’ve taken the last week or two off from strength training, and will get back at that this week. I should probably ask the chiropractor how much I should lift during my strength training. Might be a good idea. I’m going to drop down to my 5 pound weights this week, and see how that feels.

In the meantime, here are some more pictures from the virtual walk site. Just passed through Hayers Gap, VA today. Now I’m on my way to Rosedale, VA which is about 14 miles away.

Mile 484.6 (elliptical for 1 mile)                              Mile 485 (elliptical for .5 mile)

484.6 Elliptical for 1                485 Elliptical for .5

Mile 485.6 (elliptical for .5 mile)                             Mile 486 (elliptical for .5 mile)

485.6 Elliptical for .5                486 Elliptical for .5

Mile 486.8 (elliptical for .7)                                    Mile 487.2 (elliptical for .5 mile)

486.8 Elliptical for .7                487.2 Elliptical for .5


(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving!

Found the Solution

November 18, 2012 3 comments

I believe I have found a solution to a lot of my problems. Obviously cerebral palsy cannot be cured, however, the problems that go along with them can be somewhat fixed. How? Well, for me, it’s going to the chiropractor. My appointment was on Thursday, but I wanted to wait a few days just be sure. I believe the “jerk move” problem is now gone. Whatever is left over is just some confidence issues, and I’m working on that.

I’ll describe it this way. Have you ever been watching television for a while, and when you turn it off, you think to yourself “wow, that was really loud.”? You don’t realize the TV was too loud until it’s not on any more. That was how my back was. I didn’t realize how uncomfortable I had been for a very long time. I just figured it was normal to be that achy and uncomfortable with cerebral palsy. I ached doing every little thing (even putting my hair into a pony tail was painful). I just didn’t really realize it until I saw the chiropractor.

Chiro Low Back                       Chiro Neck

Let me just say, my back was a wreck. I always knew my neck was a mess, but my lower back was tilted and cock-eyed also. The doctor said I had some scoliosis, but it wasn’t anything to be worried about. I was also very tight and had a lot of muscle knots. Now I didn’t see myself, but my husband was in the room with me. While I was face down on the table, my right hip was a lot higher off the table than my left. As soon as he did a few pops, I was even. I immediately felt my lower back relax, and it felt good.

The middle of my back is fine, but it was out of alignment also. Few pops there, and it was straight. My shoulders and neck were the culprits of most of my discomfort. He adjusted my upper back while I was still face down on the table, and again it felt great. I think that was when he really got an idea of how tight I was up through the shoulders. He gave my husband a look of surprise apparently because I was so tight. Turned over on my back and that’s when the magic happened.

My neck is curved to my left and because of that, I get shooting aches (not really painful) down my arms every now and then. I get the same thing down my legs because of my lower back issue. Due to my cerebral palsy, it’s difficult for me to relax. Muscles and tendons were tight, and the doctor did a great job of loosening it all up. Then, kerpop! My neck got adjusted, and I just melted. All I good do was squeak out a “thank you” and then relaxed. He did the other side, and got another loud kerpop. My husband heard that one from where he was sitting. It was loud.

He also put “stims” on my upper back. It’s basically a tens unit and had me lay back down for a few minutes to let that do some work. Felt like a lot of needles massaging my shoulders and neck. After that, he brought me out for an ultra sonic treatment, which is basically heat therapy. That felt really good too.

And then it was over. He said to come in whenever I felt I needed to. Which is good. The chiropractor we saw near Seattle always told me to come in a certain amount of days in a week (at least in the beginning). So, my plan is to go once a month. In Seattle I think I went about once every three weeks. I may have to go back in sooner, at least in the beginning, but my goal is to get in there once a month. And whenever we go on vacation I’ll go in a few days before we leave.

I’m now able to sit up straight without any pain in my lower back. I can put my hair up with no pain in my neck and shoulders. I can bend over without groaning. I can stand up from the couch without groaning. I have to keep telling myself to stand up straight. That doesn’t hurt any more. I was constantly bent at the waist when I was standing.

So yes, big improvements. I do feel a bit achy in my upper back and shoulders, but heat should help that. I’m going to try to make it another week, and then go in I think. The chiropractor I saw was very nice. He is helpful and knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t try to up-sell you at all which I appreciate.

I keep laughing at myself throughout the day when I can do things that normally cause me discomfort. I can now sit cross legged without my left hip aching. My left hip has been giving me problems for a while now, and it’s fixed. It might not be for everyone, whether you have cerebral palsy or not, but for me the chiropractor is a huge deal. Yeah!

If you happen to live in the Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Indio areas) and you have a back issue, check out The Spine and Sport Clinic. I saw Dr. Patrick Van Loon. I highly recommend it and him.

The Return of the “Jerk Move”

November 14, 2012 2 comments

What is this “jerk move”? I sort of tried to explain it back in February, which was the last time it happened. It’s hard to explain. It feels like the hinges on my legs need oiling. They won’t swing fluidly. When that happens, my body jerks (my legs bend suddenly) and then I can go again for a little bit. I feel very unsteady and unstable. I have no control over when it happens. I actually “sat down forcefully” (i.e. fell) on the couch and on the toilet a few times in the last several days. Took me by surprise. I said to myself “OK, I guess I’ll sit now”.

I’m treating myself to a chiropractor appointment tomorrow afternoon. My husband has been having back issues lately, and he’s found a really good chiropractor. So, I’m going to see if that makes a difference. I love chiropractors. I used to see one every 2 or 3 weeks when we lived in Washington State. It actually helped quite a bit back then, so we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Is this jerk move hip related, neck related (my neck is curved funky, and is always out of whack), or is it related to the colder weather? I’m actually thinking it’s related to the colder weather. Every time these strings of days happens, it’s during the colder months. Last time it happened, it was in February. I also had it happen in Monterey during our trip in late March. It was fairly cold in Monterey when we were there.

I know of a lot of people with cerebral palsy that have more problems when it’s cold. They have a harder time getting around, are a lot more stiff, and have more frequent falls. I was lucky to have grown up in Miami, where it’s almost always warm. We did have days though where it was cold, and when I look back, I do remember having a harder time on those days. I’d fall more during school, especially if I needed to go outside. My high school had separate buildings for each subject. My senior year had me going up and down the stairs after every class (well, I think I had two on the same floor in a row). Up for one class, down and in the other building the next, and so on. So during the cooler months, I had to go outside. I do remember falling more often my senior year. Even fell down the stairs that year (I kicked my own foot and fell, that wasn’t due to being cold).

Right now I’ve stolen my husband’s hoodie and am keeping warm for now. I plan on getting on the elliptical later today. I have no goal in mind for that, just to keep moving. I did half a mile on Monday because I felt unsteady. I wasn’t going to fall off of it (I don’t even think it’s possible for me to fall off of it), but I didn’t feel comfortable at all.

These are the days I take them one at a time and just do what I can. I try not to beat myself up in the process.

Stay warm and keep moving!

Keep Chugging Along

November 12, 2012 Leave a comment

I’m changing my workout routine a bit I think. I need to find some good upper back and neck stretches since those are my tightest areas lately. I‘m going to drop down to two days a week for my strength training and see if that eases things up a bit. Still keeping up with the elliptical. That seems to be the best thing to get the kinks out of my upper back and neck.

This time of year is always a blessing and a curse for me. It’s finally starting to cool down (I don’t think we have temps over 85 this week), but it also means my body is going to stiffen up more. I love the cooler weather, but my body does not. It’s really tough to get my legs moving when they’re cold. It’s 6:45 AM right now and 35 degrees. Supposed to get to 77 for a high today. Woohoo, but will my legs move? We’ll force them to. I plan on doing a mile today on the elliptical, so that should help for a while.

Here’s some more catch-up pictures from the virtual walk site.

Mile 478.6 (elliptical for .5 mile)                                  Mile 479.2 (elliptical for .5 mile)

478.6 Elliptical for .5                      479.2 Elliptical for .5

Mile 481 (elliptical for .8 mile)                                      Mile 482 (elliptical for 1 mile)

481 Elliptical for .8                       482 Elliptical for 1

Mile 482.4 (elliptical for .5 mile)                                   Mile 483.6 (elliptical for .6 mile)

482.4 Elliptical for .5                       483.6 Elliptical for .6


(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving! Gotta stay warm! Hardest part is getting started.

Sharing A Link To A Blog

November 7, 2012 Leave a comment

Rather than fumbling with words about how I feel about the turn-out of the election, I’m going to share a link to Tina Matsunaga’s blog. She pretty muuch summed it all up.

I really do hope that the next four years go quickly and further damage to this country can be avoided. I’m rolling with the punches, but it’s tough today.

Here’s the blog post for you all to read. If I Am Wrong.

Mileage Monday!

November 5, 2012 Leave a comment

Let’s keep it rollin’!

Mile 474.6 (elliptical for 1 mile)                                   Mile 475 (elliptical for .5 mile)

474.6 Elliptical for 1                      475 Elliptical for .5

Mile 476 (elliptical for 1)                                              Mile 477 (elliptical for 1)

476 Elliptical for 1                      477 Elliptical for 1

Mile 477.6 (elliptical for .5 mile)                                   Mile 478.2 (elliptical for .5 mile

477.6 Elliptical for .6                      478.2 Elliptical for .5


(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Cars, cars everywhere! Love all the trees too.

The mileage I’m at now (501 miles) I’ve passed through another town. This time it was Meadowview, VA in Washington County. I’m currently 4.59 miles from Hayers Gap, VA also in Washington county.

Keep moving!

500 Miles Accomplished!

November 3, 2012 2 comments

Well, it’s taken me about four and a half years to go 500 miles on the virtual walk site. But I’ve made it…and I’m still in Virginia. Apparently I have another 200 miles of walking in Virginia. There have been some pretty cool pictures along the way.

The big 500 was hit on Wednesday, where I only did half a mile due to a twinge in my right ankle. It’s fine now though. So the picture for mile 500? Here it is.

Mile 500 (elliptical for .5)

500 Elliptical for .5

(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

I like how the telephone pole (or some kind of pole) is right in the center of the picture. Looks like a nice looking house over there.

I think I’ve done this before but it’s been a while. Here’s a line graph of where I am for the state of VA.

500 Mile State View

(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

And for the entire country.

500 Mile Country View

(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

These miles have been racked up with my first elliptical, second elliptical (NordicTrac A.C.T.), and the Walk at Home DVDs by Leslie Sansone. Going to continue with the elliptical and the DVDs for the foreseeable future. I enjoy them both.

Here’s to the next 100 miles. Let’s see how long it takes me.

Keep moving!