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Mileage Monday

Hope everyone is having a great 2013 so far, and that you’re all making progress on your goals and resolutions. My goals are coming along. I am taking a short walker break at the moment, but will get back to it today most likely.

Why am I taking a break? I have a tendency to hold the walker with a death grip, and my upper back muscles, arm muscles, and neck are sore. I need to learn to relax and just go. That’s a fear of falling thing. If someone is behind me, I’m fine, but if not, I tense up. Good news is though I used my walker at the chiropractor’s office the other day, I had no problems. Will keep working on it.

Since I’ve been a bit sore, I’ve also not been on my elliptical for a whole week. Whoops. That will start today again also. Luckily, I still have a back log of virtual walk pictures to upload. So, without further jibber jabber, here ya go.

Mile 504.2 (Elliptical for .8 mile)                                Mile 505 (Elliptical for .7 mile)

504.2 Elliptical for .8                   505 Elliptical for .7

Mile 506 (Elliptical for 1 mile)                                    Mile 507 (Elliptical for 1 mile)

506 Elliptical for 1                   507 Elliptical for 1

Mile 508 (Elliptical for 1 mile)                                   Mile 508.4 (Elliptical for .5 mile)

508 Elliptical for 1                   508.4 Elliptical for .5


(photo credit – Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving!

  1. krista simeone
    January 29, 2013 at 9:37 pm

    My name is Krista. I found this blog because I have been dealing with falling anxiety a lot lately too. Now, walks that Ive been doing every day for the past year seem nearly impossible because I psyche myself out and get really tense, and fall.. and the more I fall the more anxious I get. I need to get my confidence back and I’m finding it really difficult. I walk with a cane and I have spastic diplegia CP. I really would like to talk more with you about ways that you manage your panic attacks.


  2. terriedominguez
    January 30, 2013 at 11:32 am

    Hi Krista! Thanks so much for the reply. That’s my problem also, I psyche myself out and get tense. I’m not sure how old you are, or if you’ve always used a cane, but I know exactly what you’re dealing with. I applaud you for using a cane! I don’t think I could do that. I find with my walker I have four points that I can lean on for support, and with a cane, I only have one. Maybe I’ll progess enough to get to use a cane (eventually to nothing at all I hope), but for now, I’ll stick with the walker.

    As far as what I do to manage my panic attacks, nothing in particular really. I’ve never seen a doctor or a psychologist. However, I do recommend a book called “Get Out Of Your Mind And Into Your Life: The New Acceptance And Commitment Therapy” by Steven C. Hayes and Spencer Smith ( http://www.amazon.com/Get-Your-Mind-Into-Life/dp/1572244259/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359570224&sr=8-1&keywords=get+out+of+your+mind+and+into+your+life ). I bought this book about 6 years ago, and it helped quite a bit. I actually am going to re-read it and focus on my fear of falling. The first time I focussed on my self consciousness, and it kick started me into losing 35 pounds. This time I hope it will kick start me again to get over this fear.

    When I have a panic attack, it usually happens when I’m walking, and what I do to combat it is to either count to 100 or I focus on my breathing, or both. I get hyper sensitive when I walk also, so I sometimes put on my iPod buds and play music when I walk. So surrounding noises don’t make me jump (do you have the heightened “jump reflex” that most people with CP have also?). And sometimes if I notice I’m hunching or my legs don’t move smoothly, I’ll close my eyes and that seems to help.

    Thanks again for sending this reply. I’m really glad to know I’m not the only one with this fear.

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